
Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Planted dem parsnips

Today my Mummy and me planted dem parsnips and we give all de new seeds lots of dwinks. My Gwand-ma and Bernie give de martoes a dwink cos my Mummy lying down. She got a tummy ache.
We have a look at some little plants we made a long time ago and dem is gwowing dood. But we got dem mixed up and we do not know what colour dem is. We has to wait and see what colour dem is when dey gets little flowows.
It vewy complicated to be a gwowing fings person especially when you is a pussy cat.
Love fwom Bernie


Monday, 1 October 2012


Today my Mummy plant some fings in her garden. Dem is cawwots and wadishes and swedes. Tomowwow we will plant parsnips but dem is having a barf first. Dat what you has to do before you plant dem parsnips. You let dem have a dood dwink first.
My Gwand-ma sits in a chair and watch. She too sick to do anyfing. Her back still hurting and her tummy and her leg. Gwand-da spend nearly all day in bed cos he has to do lots of westing to get better fwom a opewation.
Farver Phil come and visit and Gwand-ma goes and lies down in bed and so Gwand-da sits on Gwand-ma chair and Farver Phil gets a chair and dem sitting dere watching my Mummy. My Mummy weed awound de lemon twees and give dem some dindins and a big dwink. My Mummy is de boss of de back garden where we gwows food.
Maybe my Mummy will know about how to gwow chookies.
Luv fwom Bernie