
Sunday, 26 July 2015

Bernie wites all the news fwom a long time

My Unca Tim keeps complaining that Bernie did not wite in my blog for a long time. So now Bernie is going to wite all the news.
First Bernie is getting a bit fat again but not too fat. That is because Bernie is a vewy good pussy cat and I always takes my tablets vewy good when my Gwand-ma or my Mummy gives them to me.
Jaffa is gwowing into a fat pussy cat but she did not gwow out of her fur coat yet so Gwand-ma said that is OK. We do not know where we could buy her a new pussy cat coat if she gwew out of the one she has on now.
Jaffa does a funny thing sometimes. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was having some dindins at differwent westaurwants. But weally all she does is this. She eats some dindins from her bowl and then she goes to the fwont door and Gwand-da lets her out. Then she walks wound the house and she comes in the cat flap in the family woom and she goes and eats some more dindins and then she goes to the fwont door and Gwand-da lets her out and then she walks wound the house and comes in the cat flap in the family woom and then she eats some more dindins and then she goes to the fwont door and Gwand-da says "What again?" and he lets her out and she keeps doing that. Gwand-da counted four times yesterday. Bernie asked her why she do that and that is when she said she is going to differwent westaurwants. She is a silly cat because she is only going to the same place every time.
Did Bernie tell evewybody about our big fish pond what is going to have fishies in it? Well we got a big one and it wained and now it is full of bwown water but no fishies. My Gwand-ma said we has to get that dirty water out and only put clean water in and then we can get some fishies. When we have fishies in it, some birdies might come and sit near the edge and twy to catch them fishies to eat. So Bernie and Jaffa will have the vewy important job of chasing dem birdies away so they do not eat our fishies.
It has been waining here lots of times and the gwound is all wet and squishy. Bernie does not bovver to go outside cos it is cold. Bernie stays inside and sleeps on Polly's blankie what she left to Bernie when she gone to Pussy cat Heaven. It is a vewy nice blankie and Bernie loves it lots. It weminds me of my Polly what Bernie loves.
Jaffa goes outside and comes in wet and then she gets a cuddle fwom someone to get warmed up. She is silly but she still loves Bernie. She gives her Bernie lots of lick licks and she tickles.
Love fwom Bernie