
Saturday, 2 April 2016

Bernie is unique

As you all knows, Bernie is a bit sick. Me has a over active thywoid and me has to have two tablets evewy day. Bernie is vewy good and takes his tablets like a vewy good tablet taking pussy cat. Then I have some tweats because I was good.
Now Bernie wants to start up a support gwoup for pussy cats wif dis illness so we can meet each uvver and talk about it and give each uvver maowal support. But dere is a pwoblem. Bernie is de only pussy cat in Temorwa wot has got dis sick fing so how can I get a support gwoup?
Maybe Berni should twy to find out if dere is any puppy dogs wif it or maybe Bernie could find a human support gwoup. Do you fink humans would let Bernie join deir support gwoup?
Luv fwom Bernie