Oh dear! Bernie be sick again. He bomit yesserday and today. Me might need to go back and see Unca Jim wot is my dood fwend de vet.
Bernie had some medicine wot he take and it make him a bit better for a while but now he sick again. Dat one of de weasons why he do not feel like chasin mousies.
Hee Hee. Do you know what? Yesserday in de night time, Bernie was outside and my Mummy say to Heidi, "You go and find Bernie and bring him inside" and litta heidi come and find me and she say "Unca Bernie, your Mummy wantth you to come inthide" and so we bofe go to de door togevver and Bernie say "miaow" cos he got de loudest miaow and den my Gwand-ma open de door and she say "Oh you are good pussy cats to come in like Bernie's Mummy said you must"
We are bofe vewy dood pussy cats.
Luv fwom Bernie
PS Me do not give licks when me is feelin a bit sick.
My poor little man. I'm saad you're sick again but thankyou for taking such good care of me and giving me lots of cuddles when I'm sore. I love you bubby.