
Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Dood News

Bernie can post to his blog again.
Now Bernie can tell you all de news what happen while he not postin to his blog.
First of all my Mummy is goin away again but not for a long long time only a short long time.
And my Gwand-da is goin away for a short short long time.
Dat means Gwand-ma and me and Heidi be on ourselves.
Bernie is de man of de house.
Now here is sumfing dat Bernie and Heidi need.
Heidi catch a gwasshopper of de locust sort outside. She bwing it inside and play wif it. It hop awound and she have dood fun. But den it go slow and stop hoppin. She wun to Bernie and say "Unca Bernie, what ith wrong with my grathhopper? It thtopped hopping"
Bernie say "Hmmmm maybe it battewy is flat." So we take it and put it on Gwand-ma phone charger wot sittin dere on de bench. We leave it dere for a long time but it still do not hop. Maybe we need a speshul charger. Do anyone know where we get a special gwass hopper charger?
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Katy says:

    It doesn't need batteries. It just doesn't want to hop. It's probably quite tired.

  2. Hughie says:

    Grasshoppers don't need phone chargers to charge up. They just stop hopping for a moment. They just need to have a sleep.

    Also I need to say that a bird doesn't need phone chargers either.
