Today my Mummy and my Gwand-ma and my Gwand-da go to de shops and buy some pwesents for Bernie to give to his Mummy.
My Gwand-ma say she use some of my butler pay so dat vewy dood.
My Gwand-ma and me had a dood litta talk and we fink about what I give my Mummy for Kwismus. Now she buyed a dood pwesent but me can't put it on my blog because my Mummy will wead my blog and spoil de surpwise.
De lady at de shop wap it up in pwetty Kwismus paper cos Bernie can't wap it up. My Gwand-ma tell her dat it fwom Bernie to his Mummy and she say she unnerstand dat vewy dood cos her pussy cat gives pwesents to her too and she knows dat pussy cats can't wap up pwesents.
My Katy and My Hughie give me vewy dood ideas for pwesents but me keep it a sekwet if I use dem dood ideas so my Mummy wont find out.
Hee hee me like sekwets. Dem is fun.
Luv fwom Bernie
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