
Friday, 20 January 2012

Late blog

Oh dear,
It be vewy late and me did not wite my blog.
Me was vewy busy today back on butler duty.
Me learned a noo fing about butlers.
De vewy best polite butlers does not wun in de house in fwont of the people what is coming in.
De vewy best politest butlers stands back and waits for dem peoples to go in first.
Now dat what Bernie do dese days.
Bernie is de vewy best butler in de world.
Soon Bernie might get a medal for bein a dood butler.
But how can Bernie pin on a medal?
It will hurt if Bernie has to stick it in him skin.
Oh dear how can Bernie wear his medal for bein a dood butler?
Now me vewy wowwied about dat.
Luv fwom Bernie.

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