
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Black doggies still dere but now it be 4 of dem

Oh no! Me gone to visit de old house again today but dem black doggies still dere and dem turn into 4 black doggies.
Oh no. Me has to sit in de yard acwoss de lane again until my Gwand-ma come and get me.
It waining today.
My Mummy say Bernie is a norty pussy cat and should not go to de old house but me can't help it. When me go for a litta walk my pussy foots always goes along de woad and goes to de old house.
Oh Miaow m iaow. Me sowwy about dat .
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Hughie says:

    You shouldn't go to the old house, because if you want to be eaten by a dog, go there!
