
Monday, 30 September 2013

Me awake now

Dood Dwief,
Bernie was blogging while him was asleep.
Me is vewy clever.
But Bernie is awake now but poor Bernie is vewy tired.
Gwand-ma and Gwand-da was tidying up de patio and de parfs and de back yard and Bernie sit dere on dat Barbecue and watch dem de whole time until dem was working in de backyard and den me went awound dere and watch dem in de back yard and me is  tired fwom all dat watching.
Jaffa go outside for a little while but den she wun inside cos she say it too hard work for a little pussy cat.
So now Bernie goes to have him din dins and den go to sleep.
Luv fwom Bernie

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Bloggin while me is asleep

Me dweaming about my blog.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Eating de stuff fwom de garden

Today my Mummy pick some of dem peas. Den she cwack dem open and get dem out and you know what? Dem is de same as dem fings what my Mummy buy in de supermarket but dem is not in a cold and fweezing plastic bag.
How do dem get out of dat plastic bag and into dem little gween coats and sitting on de plants in our garden?
Den my Mummy cook dem and she let Bernie taste one but Yuk Bernie do not like it. My Mummy and my Gwand-ma fink dem taste vewy nice.
We also eat some cauliflower out of de garden. My Mummy make some cheese sauce to put on it and Bernie love dat cheese sauce. So do Jaffa but our Mummy say we should not eat too much of it. We just allowed to have a tiny taste.
My Gwand-da was at a meeting so he did not taste his yet.
Maybe my Katy and my Hughie will know about peas getting out of plastic bags and onto plants.
Luv fwom Bernie

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

My Mummy home now

My Mummy come home dis afternoon. Bernie is vewy glad dat him Mummy is home.
My Mummy likes to visit my Uncle Tim and my Aunty Lily cos she luv dem too. My Uncle Tim is my Mummy big bwuvver just like Bernie is little Jaffa's big bwuvver. And my Aunty Lily is like a sort of sister for my Mummy cos my Mummy do not have a sister. Dat is like little Jaffa. She do not havce a sister. Maybe Bernie needs to find a Mrs. Bernie so she can be a sister for little Jaffa.
Hmmm dat a interwesting fing to fink about. Where me find dat?
Maybe me look on Google.
When my Mummy come home we show her how de wasbewwy plant is gwowing baby wasbewwy plants. And she have a look at de pwetty fings what Gwand-da made and put onto de bwick wall for de woses to gwow on. Dem is blue and dem is nice.
And we have a look and count how many stwawbewwies we got. We got lots. Bernie do not wemember how many cos Bernie do not know about numbers vewy dood.
One day when my Katy and my Hughie get on de puter, Bernie will look at de stwawbewwies and say "Dere is one" and "dere is one" and keep going until me point to all of dem and my Katy and my Hughie can count dem for me.
Is dat a dood idea?
Luv fwom Bernie

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Planting baby flowows

Today Gwand-ma planted baby flowows. She teach me what dem called. She say "Bernie these are Zinnias".
She tell Bernie dat we got pink ones and purple ones and lots of diffwent colour ones.
She get dem speshul tways wif speshul dirt. Jaffa was watching too cos she do not know about gwowing flowows. Wont she get a big surpwise when dem gwow?
Jaffa say "Is Grand-ma making some speshul litter trays for us?"
Bernie say "Oh no  little Jaffa. Dem is not litter tways. Dem is tways for baby flowows and fings." Den me show Jaffa de big boxes where my Mummy gwow fiungs. Me say "Dat where dem gwow when dem big. When dem baby fings dem gwows in little tiny boxes cos dem little and tiny." Jaffa say "Is everything little and tiny when it is a baby?" and Bernie say "Yes except dinosaurs. Dem is big even when dem first get born. Den dem gwow up gigantic and huge."  Jaffa say "Oooh Bernie you are a very clever pussy cat because you know everything." and Bernie say "Yes me is de cleverwest pussy cat in de whole world."
And you know what? dere is a sad fing too. Today be Tilly birfday. She be one year old today.
We plant dem on Tilly birfday to wemember Tilly.
Love fwom Bernie.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Mummy on a little hollemsday

My Mummy is having school hollemsdays and she gone to visit my Uncle Tim and Aunty Lily for a little hollemsday.
Bernie misss him Mummy.
Me look evewywhere for her and me saying Miaow weal loud and dat means "Where is you Mummy?"
Den my Gwand-ma tell me dat me can wite her a email so me do dat when me finished witing my blog.
Little Jaffa is allowed to go outside when Gwand-ma and Gwand-da is weeding de garden. She finks it is vewy exciting but she is still dood and wuns back inside like a dood pussy cat.
Yesserday my Aunty Kim come to visit and give Bernie a nice long cuddle.
My Aunty Mavis comes too and she give Bernie a little cuddle.
Bernie and Jaffa has to sleep in Gwand-ma and Gwand-da bedwoom when our Mummy is away. But sometimes we just sleeps wif each uvver.
My Mummy still did  not take a pikch of de gwass twee wif de flower spike but she can do dat when she come home.
De uvver spike ios gwowing too.
And guess what! We fink we might get a Wawatah because one of them is getting a big fing on de end of de stalk.  Dat will make my Gwand-ma vewy happy.
Bernie is happy cos dat CatMint is gwowing dood too.
Luv fwom Bernie

Saturday, 14 September 2013

In our garden

We got lots of fings in our garden.
We got a apple twee and a pear twee and a nectawine twee and a plum twee. De Nectawine twee and de plum twee has got pwetty flowows on dem.
Bernie likes dem flowowers better dan dat fwoot.
We got a lemon twee and a owange twee and a mandawine twee.
We got bwoccolli - some more is gwowing - and cabbage and cauliflowow. aznd cawwots and parsnips and wadishes and garlic and parsley and owegano and beetwoot and mint and speshul cat  mint and basil and chives and lots of stwawbewwies and lettuces and silver beet and bwoad beans and peas and shallotts and soon we is going to plant some corn. And we has got gwapes and wasbewwies.  Dat is a lot of fings.
And guess what!!!
We is all vewy happy because dem gwass twees what my Mummy give my Gwand-ma for Muvvers Day has got some spikes gwowing on dem.
 Bernie will ask my Mummy to take a pikcha of dem so me can show my blog weaders.
And today we was giving dem Wawatahs some dindins. It is vewy nice din dins and dem likes it vewy much and dem eat it all up. And den we give dem a nice dwink wif de hose.
And we lets little Jaffa come outside when we doing fings in de garden and she is good cos she do not wun away and she goes back inside herself and do not cwy.
And dat is all me can fink of now. And maybe Bernie left some fings out cos dem is lots of fings to wemember.
Luv fwom Bernie

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Me nearly forgot my blog

Bernie nearly forgot all about him blog. We been doing some gardening. We planted dem Wawatahs. Dem was sitting in pots in de middle of deir gardens and dem was getting used to being in dat spots. Now we put more dirt in dem gardens and mixed it in wif de sand and uvver stuff and we take dem Wawatah plants out of dem pots and put dem stwaight in dem gardens and den we put lots of gum leaves on dem cos Wawatahs loves gum leaves.
So now we will be gwowing Wawatahs and if we get some bootiful Wawatah flowers den Bernie will put a bootiful pikcha of dem on him blog.
Dem is Gwand-ma favouwite flowers.
And we planted some more twees in de fwoot twee garden wot we calls a orchard. It not weally a orchard cos it only got 7 fwoot twees and we is going to get one more to make 8 fwoot twees and dat is not weally vewy many for a orchard but we calls it a orchard so it be a little tiny weeny orchard.
And Gwand-ma plant some wadishes but dem comes up alweady. Gwand-ma say dem is easy to gwow.
And my Mummy cut off all dat bwoccolli and put it in de fweezer. Bernie helps him Mummy and my Gwand-ma and my Gwand-da. Bernie is a vewy exceptionally dood helping pussy cat.
And guess wot!  Jaffa knows how to go out and in de cat door. Bernie did not show her. She just figure it out for herself cos she is a vewy clever little girl pussy cat. She clever like her big bwuvver Bernie.
Well dat is lots of news for my blog weaders to wead about.
Luv fwom Bernie.