
Wednesday, 2 July 2014

New Dindins

Dat norty shop do not have de dindins what Jaffa and Bernie likes so Gwand-ma has to buy a diffewent dindins. Some of de new ones is yummy so we is happy about dat.
Today Jaffa tell Bernie dat she was looking out Gwand-ma and Gwand-da bedwoom window and she see lots of birdies flying onto de bottlebwush twees and putting bem long pointy nose on dem bottlebwushes. Jaffa say "Bernie Bobsy, Do they smell very nice?"
Jaffa always call Bernie "Bernie Bobsy" Dat is her little pet name for her favouwite Bernie pussy cat. Jaffa loves and loves Bernie to bits. Me do not mind if she call me dat cos it just because she loves me.
Bernie say "Hmmm Bernie do not know if dem smell nice but dem long pointy fings is not dem nose. It is called a beak and it is a little hard pointy mouf what birdies have. Dem birdies needs a long pointy mouf because dem has to pick up seeds to eat so it be like chop sticks stuck on dem face. And sometimes dem dwink juice out of fings and so dat long pointy beak is like a little stwaw."
Jaffa say "Oh Bernie Bobsy you are so clever. How come you know so many things?" And Bernie say "Of course me knows lots of fings. After all it was Bernie what wote dat wiki fing on de puter."
Jaffa say "OOoooh I did not know that" and Bernie say "Dat quite OK. Bernie do not expect Jaffa to know all about Bernie yet cos you only been living here for about one year."
Jaffa give her Bernie Bobsy a little lick and den we goes and has a little snooze.
Luv fwom Bernie
PS Only Jaffa is allowed to call Bernie dat Bernie Bobsy name.

1 comment:

  1. Hughie, somewhat predictably, says:

    OK, Bernie Bobsie!

    Katy says:

    Chortle chortle chortle.
