
Friday, 31 October 2014

Hughie got it wight!

Wemember how Bernie had my birthday on the 13th of October? Well Gwand-ma told me she made a mistake and it should have been on the 14th so Hughie got it wight when he said "Bloop" cos it was a blooper!! How did Hughie know that? He is vewy clever. Hee hee hee.
Now my Mummy came home and Bernie has not been witing in my blog because I was cuddling my Mummy. Also I had to give Gwand-ma extwa cuddles cos she was sick.
Jaffa caught a big bird. My Mummy got it off her and it flew away but Jaffa caught it again. Mummy said it had a burt leg so it must have fallen out of the twee. When Jaffa caught it again it was dead so Mummy took it off Jaffa and put it in the bin. We told Jaffa AGAIN that she is not allowed to catch things but she always says she only wants to play wif them.
Luv fwom Bernie.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Bernie's Birthday

Today is Bernie's birthday. I am 13 years old but if Bernie was a human person, then he would be 68 years old. That is even older than Gwand-ma!!!
Bernie got a nice new little pussy cat dish for my birthday. It is a china one and it has pussy cat faces on it. It is vewy pwetty. Gwand-ma gave Jaffa and me some special tweats in my new bowl and Jaffa gave Bernie a special birthday kiss.
Gwand-da has been giving Bernie special birthday cuddles and it is a vewy happy day.
Luv fwom Bernie

Saturday, 11 October 2014

What does she fink?

Bernie says to Gwand-ma "Mow, miaow" Then Bernie says to Gwand-da "Miaow miaow mow" and then Bernie says to Gwand-ma "miaow miaow mow mow"
And Gwand-ma say to Bernie" Bernie why are you saying miaow miaow all the time?
Luv fwom Bernie (Mood - exasperwated)

Thursday, 9 October 2014

A Storwy Fwom Gwand-da

Gwand-da told Bernie this storwy.
A beautiful pussy cat called Bernie was asleep on his desk. Gwand-da wanted to get something out of the dwawer but the beautiful pussy cat's tail was wight over the dwawer. Gwand-da vewy carefully lifted up the beautiful tail and opened the dwawer vewy carefully and gently so he would not wake the beautiful pussy cat. Gwand-da got what he wanted out of the dwawer and then he vewy carefully held the beautiful tail out of the way while he vewy gently and quietly closed the dwawer so he would not wake up the beautiful sleeping pussy cat.
Dear Gwand-da, Next time you see a beautiful pussy cat called Bernie asleep on your desk and you want something out of your dwawer, please do not go to so much twouble to avoid disturbing Bernie. Just BUGGER OFF until I wake up.
Luv fwom Bernie

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Jaffa and the little lizards

Jaffa is being naughty and she is bringing little lizards into the house.
Gwand-ma always gets a bit of paper for them to wun onto and then she picks them up and takes them outside. In fact they are getting used to it and as soon as she puts a piece of paper near them they jump on it for the ride outside. When she puts them down on the gwound they say "Thanks for the ride Grand-ma. See ya next time"
Bernie told Jaffa that she should not bwing dem inside and she should leave them alone but she said she likes to play games with them. Bernie told her that she can have a little chat with them and that is all,
So today she started having a chat with a little lizard. She asked them what they are doing and they told her that they are looking for something to eat. Jaffa then very kindly told them that we have plenty of food in the pantwy and invited them to come and have a look.
Maybe they were just looking in the pantwy when Gwand-da went past and then they ended up getting a bit close and the poor little lizard got twod on. Gwand-ma found the squashed lizard just in fwont of the pantwy door.
Luv fwom Bernie

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Bernie wants my Mummy to come home soon

Bernie misses my Mummy.
Bernie wants Mummy cuddles. Gwand-ma do good head scwatches and Gwand-da give Bernie cuddles but I still want my Mummy because she do the bestest cuddles.
Luv fwom Bernie