
Thursday, 9 October 2014

A Storwy Fwom Gwand-da

Gwand-da told Bernie this storwy.
A beautiful pussy cat called Bernie was asleep on his desk. Gwand-da wanted to get something out of the dwawer but the beautiful pussy cat's tail was wight over the dwawer. Gwand-da vewy carefully lifted up the beautiful tail and opened the dwawer vewy carefully and gently so he would not wake the beautiful pussy cat. Gwand-da got what he wanted out of the dwawer and then he vewy carefully held the beautiful tail out of the way while he vewy gently and quietly closed the dwawer so he would not wake up the beautiful sleeping pussy cat.
Dear Gwand-da, Next time you see a beautiful pussy cat called Bernie asleep on your desk and you want something out of your dwawer, please do not go to so much twouble to avoid disturbing Bernie. Just BUGGER OFF until I wake up.
Luv fwom Bernie

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