
Friday, 7 November 2014

A mousie

Jaffa has been bwinging lots of little lizards inside and Gwand-ma and Gwand-da and Mummy has all had turns at bwinging dem back outside.
Now she got a mousie.
She bwought it inside and den outside and den inside and den outside and now she is inside wif it and she is chasing it and it is hiding under her dindin bowl. She do not hurt it. She just tewworwise de poor fing. Oh well she is allowed to catch mousies cos dem leaves yukkiwe poops in our dwawer.
Huwwy up and finish wif dat mousie please Jaffa.
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    Q used to play with mice. Then we ran out.

    Hughie says:

    Then our house got extinct of mice.
