
Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Jaffa's Birfday

Yesserday was Jaffa's birfday. She was 2 years old. If she was a human bean she would be 21. First Gwand-ma singed happy birfday to Jaffa. Den Bernie singed "miaowy miaow day". Jaffa fink dat is vewy funny and she larf and larf. When she larf, her bell wings. Dat makes her larf more. Dat makes her bell wing more and dat makes her larf more. And dat makes her bell wing more and dat makes her larf more and den she get de hiccups. Dat stopped de larfin. So den she wun into de sewing woom. Katy bed is still dere so Jaffa likes to sleep on it so she can wemember Katy smell so she will wemember Katy next time Katy comes to visit. She had a nice sleep on dat bed.
She will not be happy today cos Gwand-da say he is going to put dat bed back in de gawage. Poor Jaffa. She wants to keep sleeping on it. Maybe someone will make her a speshul bed in dere.
Luv fwom Bernie

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