
Thursday, 27 August 2015

A New Pussy

We has got a new pussy. It is a diffwent pussy to Bernie and Jaffa. Bernie and Jaffa are pussy cats. Dat is we are caty type pusses. Dis new pussy is a platy type pussy what is called a platypus. He came to see our pond what got filled up wif water cos it wained and wained and wained. Bernie fink him must have come up from de big big pond down de end of de stweet.
Gwand-ma say him would not be able to find any dindins in our pond. Him likes to eat worms. We got lots of worms in our garden so he can get some fwom dere. And Jaffa and Bernie said dat him can have some of our pussy cat dinner.
My Gwand-ma take a picture. Him got out of our pond and him was just going to get back in.
Here is de picture.

Luv fwom Bernie
PS. My Mummy say him name is Bob but Bernie and Jaffa finks dat is a silly name for a platypus. We calls him Pat cos we do not know if it is a girl platypus or a boy platypus.


  1. Hughie says:

    I think its name should be Alex. And I also think it should go to the garden, get some worms, go back to its pond, get some rocks, make a little table, and eat the worms on that. And give you a dinner invitation too! And hugs.

  2. Dat is a vewy good idea. And maybe we should have a party and have party hats.Jaffa wants to call that platypus Patty the Plattypuss. I will ask her about Alex cos that can be a boy name or a girl name too.
