Huwwo evewybody,
You will be vewy pleased to hear dat Bernie, your favwite email witing pussy cat now has a blog. If you miss out on hearing my email you can always wead it again on my blog. It is
You can see a pikcha of Bernie and see how handsome he is.
Well yesserday I told you how a big monster came and ate all de elephants in Temora. Well you can imagine wot a big surpwise I dot when Heidi came wunning up to me and said "Quick Unca Bernie. I found a effalump in the garage"
I said "A elephant in de gawage? How could a elephant get in de gawage? He can't fit fwoo de door."
Heidi said "I think he thnuck under the door" Bernie follow Heidi and soon see wot she is talkin about. Bernie say "Dat not a elephant, Heidi. Dat is a cockwoach." Poor Heidi, she look quite cwest fallen.
Bernie say "Oh dear, Heidi, doesn't you know wot a elephant look like?" She put her head down low and say "Oh no Heidi ith a thilly puthy tat. Heidi duth not know wot a effalump lookth like"
"Well" say Bernie, "Dem is big and gway and has a loooong nose..." an Heidi say "Like Mr. Nicklas?" and Bernie say "Oh no Heidi, Mr. Nicklas is not like dat. Mr Nicklas is a bewy cleber handsome wadio person" Heidi blush a bit ahind her pwitty fur and so Bernie gib her a litta lick on her head to cheer her up. Den he say "When Gwand-ma is cookin de din dins, Bernie will get on de 'puter and Bernie will google for a pikcha of a elephant and show you."
So tomowwow Bernie will tell evewybody how we get on wif dat.
Wuv fwom Bernie
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