
Wednesday, 26 January 2011

How we help Gwanma and Gwanda wif de gardening‏

Hello to all my dood fwends out dere in wadio land.
I pwomised to tell you all about how my litta fwend Heidi and me helped Gwandma and Gwanda wif de gardening. First of all Gwandma was putting some stuff on de garden. It was bwown smelly stuff and she say it is called cow-mow-noo-ah.
She say it is din dins for de plants. Heidi and Bernie go and have a good smell of dat cow-mow-noo-ah. All our cleber listeners know dat pussy cats always smell fings. Dat is how we work out what fings is.
Well we went an had a good smell of dat smelly stuff called cow-mow-noo-uh and we just look at each uvver, Heidi and me, and den we go over and sit unner de Ro-do-do-do-den-den bush to have a quiet talk about it.
Heidi say "Dat don't thmell like din dinth to me" "No" said Bernie (dat's me) "It smell to me like din dins wot someone already ate" "Oooh" sayd litta Heidi, "Like when we eat our din dinth and then we go outthide in the yard and dig a hole and we do p.." "Yes" me said very quickly. "Yes dat what it smell like. I fink dat is what it weally is."
Heidi turn up her cute litta nose. She say "An Gwandma ith givving dat cow-mow-noo-ah to the litta plantth for din dins? That'th dithguthting!" Den she fink for a minute and she say "Do you think they know wot it ith unca Bernie? Oh How embarrathing!" Den we wunder how we can tell Gwandma and Gwandda about dat cow-mow-noo-uh. We hope dey listen to our emails on the wadio and den dey will find out. Litta Heidi say "Gwandma thay dat din dinth make de planth gwow up very quick." Me said "Well I weckon dat makes sense. Dey gwow up very quick so dey can get outa dere and away fwom dat smelly muck" Now I have a speshul poem dat Gwandda tell us about. He wead it in a book and he say it Just like him.
It was wit by someone called Dick Emmons "When gardening I have one gift you won't find in any manuals. I know it's strange but I can change perrenials to annuals" Dat a very dood poem.
Luv fwom Bernie

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