
Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Doin sum diggin

Bernie Mummy gwow sum dood fings in de garden. She be vewy cleber.
Bernie and Heidi wants to gwow sum fings too so we go out in dat backyard to talk about it.
Heidi say "Doeth you know how to grow thingth Unca Bernie?"
Bernie say "Of course me does litta Heidi. First we gotta dig dat garden."
"Oh me very good at digginth" say litta Heidi and stwaight away she start diggin in de garden.
She vewy dood. She dig and dig. Bernie do sum diggin too.
Just den Bernie look up and see Litta Heidi sittin in de middle of dat patch wot she dig.
Bernie say "Why you sittin dere litta Heidi?"
Litta heidi say "Ooopth me forgot. When me dig a hole dat ith uthually to go toilet but me forgot. Ooh dear. What I do now Unca Bernie?"
"Bernie say "Jus cover dat up and we dig annuvver hole somewhere else" so off we go to dig more holes.
Den me say to litta Heidi that we has to get seeds. Heidi say "Oooh me knowth what theedth me get. Me get thome gumnut theedth and gwow a gum nut tree"
So off she wun and get a gumnut in her litta mouf and she put it in dat hole. Den she cover it up and she sittin dere waitin for it to gwow.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Oh wow! Heidi if that gumnut tree grows we can plant it in our new house.

    I wonder if your cousin Hughy will grow on the tree if we grow it, because he looks like a little gum nut in his new jumper!

  2. Katy says:

    Your Mummy's very funny. Hughie would never grow on a tree. He would climb a tree as far as he could, but he wouldn't do any growing on a tree. He'll have to put dirt in his hair then put a gumnut and then water it. Wouldn't that be silly!
