
Saturday, 30 July 2011

Peep-Po Games

Bernie see litta Heidi sittin dere wif a wowwied look on her cute litta face. Bernie say "Wot is you wowwied about Litta Heidi?"
Litta Heidi say "Me worried about my Grand-ma. Thee ith going thtrange"
"Oh dat is quite normal for Gwand-ma" say Bernie, "But pwecisely wot is you wowwied about now in particuticuticlar?"
"Well," say litta Heidi. "Me wath thitting there and Grand-ma put her head around de door and thay 'Peep-po' and pull her head back quick ath quick.
Then thee do it again. Then thee go down lower and do it again.
Alwayth thee thtickth her head around the door and thay that 'Peep-po'"<
Bernie say "Well Gwandma is just playing a litta game wif Litta Heidi. It called a Peep Po Game."
"Oh ith that what it ith" say litta Heidi.
Then Heidi thinks for a few minutes and then she say "Unca Bernie, you know that funny owl bird what cometh in that tree thumtimeth and thitth there thaying 'Hoot Hoo'?'
Bernie say "Yes me wemember dat"
"Well maybe," say litta Heidi, "it playing that game too and it saying 'Poop Poo'"
Bernie fwown and say "Dat not vewy nice to sit in a twee and yell out 'Poop Poo' all night. Next time it come we betta go and ask dat owl birdie if he want to play Peep Pos"
So Bernie will let evewybody know what happens next time dat owl birdie comes and sits in our twee outside and makes dat funny noise all night.
Luv fwom Bernie an Heidi

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