
Saturday, 6 August 2011

Fizzy Dwink

Today my Mummy has gone to see my cousin Befany and teach her all about dat fizzy dwinks.
Me telling Heidi about it.
Heidi say "Ith you thure thhe teaching Bethany about Fiththy drinkth?"
Me say "Well it sumfing like dat." Maybe it be 'wobble milk' or 'wiggle tea'"
Me can't wemember wot it be but me know it sumfing like dat.
Me has to fink about it lots and lots so me can figure it out.
Me wemember finkin about sumfing wot my Mummy dwink gettin all wiggled.
Ow Meow meow. Wot it be?

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    It's Shakespeare, not fizzy drink! Shakespeare is a person that wrote plays.

    Hughie says:

    Fizzy drink!
