
Tuesday, 2 August 2011

A stwange litta habit

Me notice dat litta Heidi do a stwange litta habit.
Sumtimes before she eat sum dindins, she need to hab a cuddle.
She go near dat dindins bowl and say 'meow' and den she lift up her back to show Gwand-ma dat she want a cuddle.
Gwand-ma pick her up and give her a litta cuddle den she jump down and eat sum din dins.
Dat vewy stwange.
Bernie ask litta Heidi why she do dat.
"Well," say litta Heidi, "Alwayth when me want thome din dinth me say 'meow' to Grand-ma and thee alwayth pick me up and thay "Wot do you want little Heidi? Do you want thome din dinth?" and then she get me thome dindinth. Me only do that when the din dinth bowl ith empty and Grand-ma needth to put thome more din dinth in it."
Bernie say "Oh me did not notice dat. So now you fink you must always hab a cuddle before new dindins?"
"Yeth," say litta Heidi, "It ith nithe to have cuddleth and dindinth"
Bernie fink she is wight about dat.
Cuddles is always nice and so is dindins.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Hughie says:

    And so is eating your breakfast at daytime! What are those footprints for on your blog?

    Now I want to play Peep-Po!

    Katy says:

    A cuddle before dinner is nice. I sometimes have cuddles and I don't even know dinner's nearly ready.

  2. Dose footpwints is pussy cat icons. Dem is pwogwams me can use.
