Well we is dood fwends wif a litta pussy cat wot lives next door. She is a bwown and black and owange stwipe cat called Wosy but she do not look like a wose. Anyway we is fwends wif her and she comes to our place to play sumtimes.
But - Now Wosy found out dat she likes goin in our house and maybe eat some of Bernie and Heidi dindins.
We do not mind because sometimes you has fwends wot comes to have din dins wif you. Dat is a nice fing so we do not mind if Wosy comes and has din dins wif us cos we is her fwends but when we see her in our house, we all get such a big surpwise dat we makes a big cat fight noise and we all get so fwighten of dat big noise dat Wosy wuns away.
O Meow Meow, wot we do? We always forgets dat Wosy is our fwend and she just comes to visit us like Aunty Mavis and Aunty Kim and Uncle Farver Phil is fwends wot comes to visit sometimes too.
Luv fwom Bernie.
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