
Friday, 14 October 2011

A Vewy happy Birfday for Bernie

Bernie have a vewy happy birfday.
First Bernie and Heidi was fast asleep in our bunk beds wif Bernie on de bottom bunk and Heidi on de top bunk like dis.

Den we hear dat door bell wing and we wun out to butler in de visitor cos even on his birfday, Bernie is still de butler.
Guess who come for a vist? Bernie vewy happy to see Polly come wif her bag to stay for a visit for Bernie's birfday.

Den Gwand-ma make us a booful birfday cake and we have a candle in it and we have a dood birfday party.
We have party hats and all.
We has dood fun.

Luv fwom happy Bernie

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had a fun party. I can't wait until I get home and we have another party. I love you baby boy.
