Today litta Heidi and me meet a diffwent pussy cat.
He say "Miaow" which mean "Where is de tomato sauce"
We say "Miaow " which mean "We does not know."
Den him say "miaow" again what mean "Where is de tomato sauce"
We say "Miaow" which mean "We told you we does not know where dat tomato sauce is"
Den him say "Miaow Miaow" vewy vewy loud which mean - you knows what dat mean doesn't you? It mean "Get off my tail".
Just den our dood fwend called Wosy wot lives next door comes along and says "Maa" Dat means "Hello" We say "Maa" back to her.
Den she say "Mow, mow, miaow" which means "Has you met this nice new pussy cat called Simon? He is a Siamese cat and he talks Siamese pussy cat language."
We say "Yes we twy to meet him but he just say "Where is the tomato sauce" and "get off my tail".
Wosy laugh and she say "No dat siamese pussy cat for Hello I am new here"
Den Wosy say "What did you say back to him?" and we tell her.
She say "Oh dear in siamese pussy cat language dat means "You has a kangaroo sitting on your head"
She tell de new Siamese pussy cat what we was twying to say and we all laughing about dat.
When we gone home litta Heidi say to me "Oh Unca Bernie, I wath very worried becauthe I do not know what tomato thauthe ith tho I do not know where it ith either."
So me pwomise her me will show her what tomato sauce is and where it lives so next time dat pussy cat say "Miaow" to her wot means "Where is the tomato sauce?" she can tell him.
Luv fwom Bernie
Oh Bernie, you are so lucky that you had Rosy there to translate for you! I hope you said thank you very much. What a good friend she is.
ReplyDeleteAnd Heidi, if you want we can put some tomato sauce on your din dins next time, if you would like.