
Monday, 20 February 2012

A Vewy important day

Today beed a vewy important day.
First of all while my Mummy was at school, a man came in a vewy big twuck wif a huge giant parcel. Bernie beed de butler and told him to bwing it up to do vewandah. It taked two mans to cawwy it because it beed vewy big.
It was too big to go in de door so Bernie say "Miaow miaow" which mean "Just put it here on de vewandah and Bernie will take care of it until my Mummy come home."
So dat what dey do. Bernie had to sign a piece of paper to say dat dem mans bwing dat huige giant parcel to our place den dem dwive away in dat big twuck.
Den my mummy come home.
She see Bernie minding dat parcel and she say "Oooh it look like dem new blue gates for our new house and dem new blue bits of fence panels for our new house too."
So dat what dey are.
Den my Mummy tell me dat Gwand-ma and Gwand-da come home soon and she going to make dem a nice din dins so Bernie wait outside for dem.
When dey come home Bernie vewy happy.
Bernie wun out and say Maa Maa which is pussy cat for hello and den Bernie bwing dem inside wif deir suitcases.
Now we all happy except Bernie wanted Gwand-ma and Gwand-da to bwing my Katy and my Hughie home wif dem but dey forgot.
Oh no! Dat make me sad and me have a litta cwy but me happy dat my Gwand-ma and my Gwand-da is home again.
Luv fwom Bernie.

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    We didn't come mainly because I wouldn't be able to sleep and want to come back and Hughie's too little, and they wouldn't steal us, never ever!
