
Saturday, 23 June 2012

Clever pussy cat talkin peoples

My dood fwend Hughie can talk pussy cat language. Me did not know dat. On my blog he say in pussy cat language :My favouwite dindins is ice cweam wif tomato sauce and some lettuce on top. Me also like cheese wif custard and bwoccolli."
Me did not know dat my Hughie like dose fings.
My Katy send me a special message in Kookabuwwa language. She say "My Daddy wearing my Mummy bwa and he put some potatoes in it so he got boobies. When he wun outside to put de cloves on de line cos it waining dem fall out and goes boing boing boing. He always put de cloves on de line when it waining and take dem off when de sun shining."
Dem is such clever talking peoples.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Katy says:

    [More kookaburra language plus coughing]

    Laugh laugh!

    Hughie says:

    Laugh laugh laugh, cough cough cough, laugh laugh laugh, cough cough cough.

    Katy says:

    What does that mean?

    Hughie says:

    Miaow miaow purr!

  2. Katy dat laugh laugh is de same as Ha Ha ha ha!
    and Hughie say "Don't forget to put de garbage out but do not put your Daddy in it"
    and den dat "Miaow miaow purr" what Hughie say means " yesserday me was walking down past de cweek and me see a platypus but it swim away quickly cos it got a big fwight so den me hide behind a twee and eat a banana and den me put my socks on my ears to keep dem warm and put my jumper on my foots to keep dem warm and den Katy come and find me and she wun home to Daddy and say 'Daddy someone put Hughie's feet on his head and his arms on his legs' and Daddy say 'Oh wow I fink he look much better dat way but where he put his banana?' and Katy say 'He put his banana up his cake hole' and Daddu say 'Well dat alwight cos Bananas is dood for him'"
