
Friday, 29 June 2012

more gwass

Now we got more gwass in our back yard. Unca Michael and Unca Wobert put it dere. Den dey cover it up wif sand to keep it warm in winter.
Unca Phil come and have dindins wif us.
Bernie do not like dat clock going bong bong at me just when me walking past so Gwand-ma tell it not to bong bong any more tonight and guess what! It stopped.
My Mummy wants to move de furniture in our bedwoom and she twying to work out where to put it. Me twy to help but she sitting on my chair.
Today me was a vewy dood pussy. Gwand-ma wanted a cuddle so me jump up and sit on her lap. My Gwand-ma got a sore knee so Bernie was very careful and me did not step on her knee. Me did not sit on dat dore knee eiver.
Den when me jump down me still did not step on her sore knee. Dat is because Bernie is a vewy careful, clever, dood, kind, considewate, pashent, gentle, beautiful, wonderful pussy cat.
My Gwand-ma come and wead dis while Bernie typing it. She say "Well you are certainly not modest". Bernie say "Oh no! Me do not be modest. Me fink modest is yukkie"
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    I'm sick! I'm pretty sure I'll be staying in bed for a while.

    Hughie says:

    We live in a house! We have a lot of grass, Hundred Acre Woods, Rattling Bog, and also mud pile, play in it and go to homeschooling group. The End.
