
Sunday, 29 July 2012

Bernie helped a lot today

My Mummy and my Gwand-ma and my Gwand-da  and Bernie was outside making  marks wif white stuff on de gwound. We going to make a dood garden. First we get a long stwing and put it from Aunty Margwet fence next door wight along to de litta pink peg at de end of our garden and pull it stwaight so we get a nice stwaight line. Den my Mummy paint dat line. She is in charge of de painting.
Den my Mummy wind up dat long stwing and Bernie help her. Me help her to catch it when it twy to wiggle away. It a vewy wiggly stwing.
Den later when we come inside, my Gwand-da has to dwaw a big circle on a big piece of paper so he can make somefing for my Mummy.
When him dwawing dat circle, Bernie sit on it to keep it still. Gwand-da say "What are you doing Bernie? Now I can't see what I'm doing" but dat do not matter cos Gwand-da alweady done dat bit.
Bernie is a vewy dood helping pussy cat.
Phew lots of helping today
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Hughie says:

    I'm very glad you did lots and lots of helping, and I was scared that you jumped on the piece of paper when Grand Da was still finishing it! The End. That's my whole comment.
