
Friday, 25 April 2014

A new Internet fwend for Bernie

Today my Gwand-da tell me dat my Hughie and my Katie has got a new pussy cat. Him name is a funny name what Bernie twy to say but me can't. Gwand-da say me can call him Q for short so me call him Qie cos we always has names ending wif "ie" like Hughie and Katie and Bernie. Except Jaffa. Maybe me need to call Jaffa "Jaffie" so she can be de same. Bernie will ask her tomowwoww.
Now me just needs to find out my new fwend email addwess so me can invite him to be a fwend on Bernie Facebook.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Katy says:

    We need to give Q a blog! We have decided he chose his name by walking on the keyboard and he landed on q7&xMj%0.

  2. OOOOOOh dat a vewy clever name.
