
Saturday, 17 May 2014

Some Interwesting news

Bernie has some interesting news for all my blog weaders.
Bernie is going to be de first pussy cat in de world to get a dwivers licence.
My Gwand-ma and my Gwand-da and my Mummy is all teaching Bernie how to dwive a bwwwwmm bwwwwm car.
First of all when dem comes home fwom somewhere, Bernie wun out to meet de car because Bernie is de butler. You wemembers about dat doesn't you?
Well den dem stop de car and open de door and Bernie get in.
Dat is de first lesson.
Lesson Number 1. Get In De Car.
Bernie has nearly learned how to do dat dood. First me has to lick de door. Dat is what pussy cats do.
Lesson Number 2. Look wound de wite way.
Today my Gwand-ma say "Do you want to learn how to steer the car Bernie?" but Bernie was looking de wong way. Bernie was on her lap and looking at her not out de fwont. So dat why we has to have dat lesson number 2.
Lesson Number 3 is "Put your paws on de steerwing wheel.
Dat is a vewy hard one because dat steerwing wheel is much wider dan Bernie little arms can weach.
Me twy to stand on de steerwing wheel and hold on to de top but dat too hard.
So me is up to lesson 3 and me still has to pwactise all dem uvver lessons.
Luv fwom Learner dwiver pussy cat Bernie.

1 comment:

  1. Hughie says:

    I think you might be getting very very good at driving, but you first have to grow bigger paws and learn how to hold keys and put them into the keyhole and then you also need to figure out how to reach the brakes, or you could just bring Jaffa with you to just jump around on the brakes when you tell her to.
