My Gwand-da and my Mummy and my Gwand-ma gone somewhere so dis house nice and quiet wifout dose noisy peoples.
Bernie sit quietly in fwont of de stove and soon out comes dat mousie!
Bernie catch him quick and bite him head off.
Den Bernie leave him in de fwont hallway so my Mummy see him when she come home.
Soon dem all come home and stwaight away my Mummy see dat mousie wifout a head.
My Mummy say "Oh Bernie caught the mouse!. You are such a good Bernie" and she get dat mousie and fwow him in de garbage bin.
Den she give Bernie some of dose speshul tweats for pussy cats what she buy sometimes.
Dat cos Bernie so good and catch dat mousie.
Now Bernie goes to sit on his Mummy lap and have a sheshul cuddle cos him likes to have speshul cuddles.
Luv fwom Bernie
You are a very clever pussy cat and your mummy is very proud of you. I thought maybe the mouse in the oven would get roasted, and we could serve it for your dinner with some cat mint sauce, but I guess you prefer your food raw. Oh well, maybe next time. Love you baby boy.