
Thursday, 28 April 2011

And anuvver one

Hi dere,
Yes you got it! Bernie catch anuvver mousie again today.
Dis time it was a litta one and Bernie just bite it head off and leave it in de fwont hall cos evewybody was not home. Den my Gwand-ma come home first and she say "Oh Bernie you caught another mouse! You are catching one every day!"
Then she get a tissue and pick it up and put it in de garbage bin outside.
Dis is vewy confusing.
First lots of peoples was talkin about how dey got lots of mousies in dere house.
My Gwand-ma was saying "We don't seem to have any mice at all"
So Bernie fink "Dat not fair. Evewybody got mousies exceot my poor Gwand-ma" so Bernie been goin wound and findin mousies and bwinging dem home for Gwandma and my Mummy and den dey always fwow dem away in de garbage.
So now Bernie has to go and get anuvver one evewy day.
Bernie gettin vewy tired fwom all dis mouse catchin.
Wuv fwom overworked Bernie.

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