Yoo hoo evewybody,
Last night, Bernie and Heidi was asleep in de lounge woom. Bernie sleeps on de lounge and Heidi sleeps on her folded up blankie on de floor.
Dat where we always sleeps.
Suddenly we wakes up because we hears a stwange noise.
It going Yoo-hoo..........Yoo-hoo.............Yoo-hoo
Heidi say "Oh Ith that Grand-ma thnoring?"
Bernie say "No dat not Gwand-ma snorwing. Gwand-ma snorwing makes a Hooooarrr ......hooaar........hooaarr noise"
"Hmm" say Heidi, "Maybe it ith Grand-da thnoring." But Bernie do not fink so cos Gwand-da make a "whistle snuffle click click " noise when he sleepin.
Den Heidi say "Well maybe it ith Aunty Anne thnoring"
So we go to my Mummy bedwoom and listen. My Mummy make a "bzzzzt.......bzzzzzt ........bzzzzzzt noise when she sleepin.
We can still hear dat Yoo-hoo......Yoo-hoo............Yoo-hoo noise goin on.
Just then Gwand-ma get up cos it wakes her up too and she goes to have a look.
She go out de fwont door and looks in de twee.
Dere is a big big birdie sittin in dat twee goin "Yoo-hoo......Yoo-hoo......."
It have a big wound face and a big wound tummy and it just sittin dere singing it funny song.
"Hmmm it looks like an Owl" says Gwand-ma and she goes back to bed.
Heidi and me looks at each uvver. Heidi say "Ith owlth tathtey Unca Bernie?"
Bernie do not know what Owls taste like cos he never eat one before.
But Bernie say to Heidi dat maybe we better not catch it and eat it cos we never see a owl before and maybe dere is not vewy many of dem.
But we do not like dat Yoo-hoo........Yoo-hoo noise because it wakes us up so we just climb up dat twee to ask dat owl to please sing him funny song a bit softer please cos peoples is twyin to sleep.
He say OK and den he just sing soft and we all go back to sleep.
Wuv fwom Bernie.
Hughie says:
ReplyDeleteWhy did you see a strange bird? I have a rhinoceros! It doesn't sit in a tree.
Katy says:
I told Grand-Ma to teach you cats that humans like kisses. Hughie likes licks but he does like kisses to.
Hughie says:
I also like biting!
Katy says:
How do you make bitings on your blog?
Oh dear we is all mixed up.
ReplyDeleteLicks is what cats do for kisses.
Sumtimes we do a nose touch for a kiss.
Dat is like dis >< >< >< >< ><
It vewy hard for a pussy cat to do a kiss de way humans do.
I finkin about doing bitings on my blog but dat not nice. Bernie do not like to bite his dood fwends wot wead his blog. Unless dem is tasty.
Also sumtimes when a birdie sit in a twee near our car he do a poop on our car.
Me would not like it if a whinocewos sit in dat twee. It would make a vewy BIG mess on our car.
Luv fwom Bernie
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