
Friday, 8 April 2011

Girls and lipstick

Hello to my blog weaders
Today litta Heidi jump up on de litta table in Gwand-ma bedwoom where she keep her lip sticks and started licking dem.
Bernie Say "Why you doin dat litta Heidi?"
"Well" says litta Heidi, "They ith lick thtickth and girlth hath lick thtickth."
Bernie say "Dem is lip sticks not lick sticks, litta Heidi"
Heidi say "But I have theen Gwand-ma licking them"
"Oh" say Bernie, "I suppose she lick dem to get dat on. But Heidi, you has to have your own ones. You do not use someone else's"
"Oh" says Heidi. And den she go outside and soon she come in wif a stick what she is lickin. Den she jump up on Gwand-ma table and put her lick stick in Gwand-ma's lip stick bowl.
Bernie say "Heidi, why does you have a lip stick?" and she say "Coth Grand-ma and Aunty Anne hath lick thtickth and they ith girls and Heidi ith a girl too tho Heidi hath a lick thtick."
Den she say "Anyway you hath lick thhoeth to lick"
But Bernie say "Oh no litta Heidi. Bernie lick de shoes to clean dem cos dat is one of Bernie's jobs, to clean de shoes."
Just den Gwand-ma come in and she see a stick in her lip stick bowl. She say "What's this stick doing in my lip stick bowl?" and she fwow it in de bin.
Poor litta Heidi. She start to cwy so Bernie go over to her and say "Don cwy Heidi. Bernie get it for you and soon Gwand-ma will wead Bernie blog and she will know to leave it dere cos it Heidi's lick stick."
So dat why I put it in my blog.
Luv fwom Bernie.

Cos Bernie is asleep now

1 comment:

  1. Hughie says:

    Why did you use grand-ma's lipstick? And why did Bernie cry?

    Katy says:

    It was Heidi!

    Daddy says:

    At least one of my babies is paying attention!
