
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Bernie the Prisoner

Today my Mummy did a tewwible fing to her litta Bernie.

Bernie went in to Mummy's bedwoom to hab bweakfast wif her, we had begemite on toast. I like to lick up de begemite, but I don't like the toast. Then I curled up on my Mummy's beddy bies to hab a nap afta bweakfast, but my Mummy had to go to school and wook after dose pengwins* what is in kindergarten and guess wot she did!


Poor Bernie was stuck inside de bedwoom ALL DAY! I meowed and meowed and said 'oh Mummy pwease wet me out!' but my Mummy didn't hear me.

And DEN! She didn't come home for a bewy bewy wong time! I am gwad she still had some of dat toast left ova so I could have a snack during de day.

I was a good Litta Bernie doe, and I didn't go to the toilet in my Mummy's woom because I know that would make my mummy sad. She was bewy bewy sowwee when she came home, and she gave me some dood din dins and we is fwiends again now. But dat was bewy bewy scawy!

(*note from Mummy - the kindergarten children walk like penguins when I teach them so I call them my penguins)

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