
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Vewy Scairwy

Tonight it be vewy scairwy. A big light come in sky and fwighten Bernie and litta Heidi. Litta Heidi cwawl inside her litta house wot is stuck on de scwatching post and she hide dere. Bernie wait in de lounge woom until dat funny light stop flashing and making big loud noise. It make a big lot of wain too.
Me glad dat stop now.
Also Bernie go on Facebook cos Bernie got lots of fwends wot is on facebook.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Hughie says:

    It's not very scary. It's just lightning! But when it's a stormy day at our place I go outside and if any lightning strikes I just go in the woodshed. If they have any shed they could just go in that, or they could just go to the tree and go under it. It might get burnt down by the lightning, it might just get struck and then burnt.

    Katy says:

    For once my little brother is right. It is lightning! Oh, and trees can get struck down, so don't do that.

    Hughie says:

    And maybe the fence could get struck down too!

  2. Oooh dear,
    Do a house get dat lightning on it?
    Bernie and Heidi hides in de house.

  3. Hughie says:

    If their house is wood it could struck down the whole house!
