
Sunday, 20 November 2011

A vewy happy time

My Aunty Lily and Unca Tim come to bisit. Lots of peoples come to bisit. Bernie is a vewy busy butler. But de best bisitor was my Aunty Lily cos she give Bernie cuddles.
Bernie love his Aunty Lily.
But she gone home now.
Bernie nearly go home wif Aunty Lily but Aunty Lily does not have dat nice din dins for Bernie. Dat nice din dins is still in our cupboard so Bernie stay here.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. :(
    Is that the only reason why you didn't want to go home with your Aunty Lily and Uncle Wimmy? Because you'd miss your din dins?

    Not because you'd miss your mummy?

  2. Oh yes. Bernie forget dat. He will miss his Mummy too!
