
Sunday, 27 November 2011

Lots of fings

It wained and wained. Bernie does not like going out in dat wain but when peoples comes to bisit, Bernie still be de butler and go out and bwing dem inside. Bernie does not stop being de butler just because it waining. Bernie is vewy bwave.
Now it stop waining and it get hot again. Bernie and Heidi spend some time outside sleeping under dem twees. But litta Heidi be a bit norty. She do not know she is norty. She had a litta sleep on dat new litta garden. Gwand-ma come and say "Heidi get off those Vincas. You should not sleep on them little girl. They are only baby flowers"
Heidi jump up stwaight away but dat litta baby flower look all squashed. Gwand-ma pat it and lift it up and give it a dwink and now it OK.
Den we all busy doin lots of fings in dat Kitchen. Gwand-ma clean dat fwidge and she find fings what Bernie has to eat up. Dat a vewy important job for de pussy cats. We get left overs of corn beef, ham, turkey and sausages. How we eat all dat?
We need to get Wosy to come and help.
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Hughie says:

    When it rains, we go outside and play, we get raincoats on and we get gumboots on. Today we saw something different. We saw a water stream. It's something that goes down a little hole and it can be any shape or size and I could even live in it!

    Katy says:

    My little brother is actually wrong. It is actually water going down the road. Today we saw it down by the driveway.
