Today be vewy quiet.
Mummy at work
Gwandma at de wadio station
Gwand-da at school
But Gwand-da keeps coming home again and den going back to school
In out in out in out like pussy cats do.
In out in out in out in out
Is Gwand-da turning into a pussy cat?
Bernie had a look.
Gwand-da do not have a tail like a pussy cat.
He got some fur on him face like a pussy but him do not have big whiskers stickin out.
But what about all dis in out in out in out like a pussy cat?
Jus so long as he don't eat all our pussy cat din dins!!!
Ooooooh Gwand-da will be a biiiiig pussy cat.
I fink I go and hide somewhere for a litta while.
Wuv fwom Bernie
Katy says:
ReplyDeleteYuck! at cat licks. Why is Grand-Da being silly?
Hughie says:
Why was he licking his bum?
Bernie was licking him bum de uvver day because dat is how pussy cats wash ourselves. We licks ourselves all over and den we be nice and clean and cuddly.