
Thursday, 17 March 2011

Making Amends

Hellow Evewyone,
Bernie did sumfing vewy naughty yesserday.
Him did not mean to do it. Him could not help it but him do it anyway.
We was talkin to Litta Katy and litta Hughie in de litta window on de 'puter.
My Mummy pick me up so I can talk to Hughie but Bernie twist awound and accidentally bite my Mummy on de top lip.
Dat a big accident. Bernie do not want to hurt his Mummy what is de best Mummy in de world.
Bernie Mummy got a vewy sore lip now because Bernie hurt it.
Now Bernie twy to do sumfing for his Mummy to say he is sowwy.
First Bernie talk to Heidi about it. Heidi say "Well you mutht not get her a birdie becauthe thhe doeth not like birdieth."
Oh yes. Bernie glad Heidi wemind him of dat.
So Bernie go and get a gwasshopper. Heidi say, "I'm not thure Aunty Anne will like a grathhopper Unca Bernie"
Bernie just hide dat gwasshopper in his Mummy's shoe and go and find somefing else.
Den Bernie get a dood idea. He go and get lots of his dinner and put it in his Mummy's bed so she can have a snack if she get hungwy in de night time.
Dat make her vewy happy.
But Bernie still like to do sumfing else to say sowwy to his Mummy.
Den Heidi got a good idea. She gone outside and find a butterfly. It get dead when Heidi bite it but dat dont matter. It still pwetty. We put dat butterfly in Mummy's handbag so she find it for a nice surpwise tomowwow.
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    You may need to meow at Grand Moogi to help find something to cheer Aunty Anne up.
