Today Heidi bwing a litta lizard into de lounge woom.
Dat poor litta lizard got such a big fwight when Heidi pick him up dat his tail fall off so he look a bit funny wifout his tail.
Gwandma and Gwand-da get dat lizard in a paper bag and bwing him out to anuuver place in de garden and put him where Heidi cannot find him.
We hopes.
Bernie twy to tell Heidi dat she must not catch litta lizards but she always forget. She get so excited when she see one dat she can't help catching it.
One day she will learn.
Wuv fwom Bernie
Hughie says:
Katy says:
I've seen lizards once or twice but never have seen one with its tail fallen off!
It bewy sad litta Katy. It wun awound wif a litta wed bum. After a while it gwow anuvver tail but it not as dood as de first one.