
Monday, 28 March 2011

Bernie not silly

Hi dere to all de people in wadio land. Bernie is vewy sowwy to say dat today Bernie Gwandma fink Bernie is a silly pussy cat. Bernie Mummy was making de dinner and so Bernie was waiting to taste it. Dat tasting is Bernie's job, He vewy dood at doing his job. Bernie always wait and taste evewy fing dat his Mummy and Gwandma makes. Bernie knows dat when someone stands in de kitchen and do fings on de bench dat it be din dins cookin time so he always take up his post wight near dem to taste what dey making. Bernie always on dooty. Today Bernie's Mummy takes a long time and she will not give Bernie a bit to taste. Bernie Miaow at her vewy loud but she still do not give him a bit to taste. Gwandma say to her "Give him a bit of the plastic packet. Once he knows he does not like it he will go away." Dat bewy silly. Bernie does not like to eat de plastic container. Bernie knows dat is not din dins and he also knows he must stay and do his job. So Bernie do not go away. Bernie wait until he get a bit of dat Vienna Schnitzel to taste it and see if it OK. Bernie is a vewy diligent tasting pussy cat. Luv fwom Bernie. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW


  1. Sweetie, the only reason I was waiting to give you food was becuase the thing I was preparing at that moment was potato and you don't like potato.

    But I gave you some of the meat! I'm a good mummy!

  2. Hughie says:

    Don't eat the meat!

    Katy says:

