
Sunday, 6 March 2011

A sewious pwoblem

Hello Mr Nicklas and all dose lovely peoples in wadio land,
Me hopes you had a dood west and feelin dood.
Bernie is glad dat you is back because him and Heidi got a bad pwoblem and we needs people to help us find out what to do.
The uvver day, Heidi hear Gwandma and Aunty Mavis talkin about the garden. Then they say "We must get rid of those cats heads"
Heidi comes wunning to me and says "Unca Bernie, Aunty Mavith tell Gwandma that thhe hath to get rid of the catth headth. Unca Bernie, Our eyeth are in our headth. How can we thee if we dont have eyeth?"
Bernie fink about dat and he say "Hmmm maybe we has to smell where we goin. Cats can smell vewy dood you know"
But Heidi say "Oh Unca Bernie, our notheth ith in our headth too tho how can we thmell without our notheth?"
"Hmmm" says Bernie, "Maybe we use our whiskers to feel where we goin" But Heidi still not happy. She say "But Unca Bernie, Our whithkerth ith thtuck on our headth. Tho if our headth be gone, then our whithkerth be gone too"
"Well could we hear where we are going then?" asked me."Well no" say litta Heidi. She vewy wowwied about dis. She say "Our earth ith on our headth too"
Bernie say "Well I sure we fink of sumfing" and den Heidi say "And Unca Bernie, How we eat our din dinth? Our mouf ith in our headth too so if we dont have our headth then we cant eat our din dinth"
Den Bernie sit up stwaight and say "Oh no litta Heidi! Why don't you say dat first of all? Dat is bewy important. How can we eat our din dins. Dis is tewwible. We has to find out what to do before Gwandma get wid of our heads."
So Mr. Nicklas, Maybe some listeners can tell us poor pussy cats what to do if Gwandma wants to get wid of our cats heads.
Maybe we has to wun away which would be vewy sad cos we love our Gwandma and Gwand da and Mummy.
Luv fwom fwightened Bernie.

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    They're talking about the weeds, not your heads!

    Hughie says:

    Googoo gaga.

    Daddy says:

    At least that was an improvement over his usual question about why Bernie is licking his bum.
