
Saturday, 26 February 2011

Aqua-aerobics for pussy cats

Hewwo to my nice blog weaders.
Today it be bewy hot here.
My Mummy was outside waterin de new seeds what she put in de garden and Bernie twyin to help her.
Bernie sittin dere being bewy dood when suddenly dat hose turn wound and squirt Bernie.
Bernie wun away fast but dat hose follow Bernie and Bernie has to wun wound and wound to get away fwom dat hose what is wet.
Den Bernie Mummy laugh and say "Oh look this is aqua- aerobics for pussy cats.
If he gets squirted with water he runs fast and gets good exercise."
Now Bernie is not bewy happy about dat.
Dat not a nice fing to do to a bewy dood pussy cat is it?
I want all my nice blog weaders to do a pwotest and tell my mummy dat she should not make dat naughty hose squirt poor old Bernie.
Wuv fwom Bernie



  1. Hmmmm! It was not your mummy that was squirting you my darling boy, I wouldn't do something so cruel (but you DO need to exercise, like mummy does). It was your grand moogi. So be angry at her. I suggest chewing paper in her bedroom at three in the morning to wake her up!

  2. Hughie says:

    Don't go near it! You'll get squirted! Because I love you and I don't want you to get smelly!
