Hewwo to my wuvverly listeners
Yes, it is Bernie again.
Dis morning litta Heidi come wunnin in bewy fast and say "Unca Bernie, the thea hath come"
"What has come litta Heidi?" me asked.
She say "the thea the thea, come and look"
So I follow her outside and I see lots of water.
"Oh you think de sea hab come do you litta Heidi?" I said. "Yeth" she said, "the thea"
" I dont think it is weally the sea," I told her. "I think someone left the tap on when they were watering the new plants last night and it has flooded the backyard. Someone is very naughty" I said.
"No" said Heidi, "Them ith very good. Now Bernie can do ektherthitheth like he wanted to do so he lothe weight."
"Wot you talkin about litta Heidi?" say Bernie.
Then she say "Well you knowth how Gwandma and Aunty Anne goeth to aqua aerobicth? Well now Bernie can do thome of thothe aquaerobicth."
Bernie just gib her a funny look and turn round and go back inside. "Dat water too shallow an muddy" say Bernie. An Heidi vewy disappointed. So to cheer her up, Bernie say he wun 10 laps wound de yard for exercises. Heidi say she come too so we start.
We do One, two miss a few, Ten.
Then we so tired we has to sleep for de west of de day.
So bye bye fwom Bernie.
Hughie says: send a kiss to Bernie!