
Thursday, 24 February 2011

Birfdays and Spiders

Hewwo Evewbody
Dis is Bernie.
Today, when you weadin dis email is a vewy speshul day in our family.
It be Heidi's birfday.
We dont make her a cake wif birfday candles cos she only like fings wot she can eat or woll along de gwound - like gumnuts.
We give her a nice new litta ball to play wif an some speshul tasty treats for a birfday pwesent.
She like dat.

Now I tell evewyone sumfing vewy important.
Today a litta boy came to bisit us and he playin in de yard.
Bernie playin wif him to take care of him cos he only litta and Bernie is a sensible pussy cat.
Dat litta boy see a spider.
Bernie look at dat spider and den look at dat litta boy.
Bernie wait for dat litta boy to go and tell his Mummy dat he find a spider but he don't. He get a stick and poke dat spider and make it angry.
Bernie Meow at him vewy loud but he still do not go and tell his Mummy. Bernie vewy concerned.
Dat litta boy should know to go and tell a gwown up when he see a spider and dont poke it. It might be a poison one and it might bite dat litta boy and make him sick but dat litta boy must not been told dat.
Anyway, to make sure dat litta boy be safe, B ernie swat dat spider quick as quick wif his paw and den dat spider dead and cant hurt dat litta boy.

Now Please Mr. Nicklas tell all de litta childwen dat if dey see a spider dey must not touch it, just wun and tell Mummy or Daddy or Gwandma or Nanna or Gwandad or Aunty or Uncle or sumone gwowd up.
It might be a bad spider and litta childwen does not know which ones is poison.

Love fwom pwotecting de childwen Bernie.

1 comment:

  1. Hughie (who is cleverer than some little boys) says:

    Don't touch it! Cos they maybe will bite you. And maybe bite on your neck and you'll get sick!

    Katy says:

    That's a good point!
