
Thursday, 3 February 2011

Cyclone Yasi in Temora

Hi evewybody,
Here is Bernie again.
I suppose you is all wondewing how come we got Cyclone Yasi in Temowa? Well Bernie tell you.
De uvver night, Heidi an Bernie was asleep in de lounge woom when we hear a big loud noise.
Heidi hide fwom dat big noise. Heidi likes to hide. Dat why she called Heidi.
Bernie go and look out dat glass door and see lots of wain and wind blowin.
He call to Heidi and say "What is it Heidi?"
Heidi cweep out and hab a look. She look out dat glass door and she say "Oh Meow meow, Thyclone Yathi hath got to Temora"
Bernie say "How come it get here? It supposed to be a long way fwom Temowa"
But Heidi say "Yeth but Gwandma had it on de televithion and it jump through. Thyclone Yathi hath teleported thru the televithion."
"Oh no," say Bernie, "What we gonna do?"
"We hath to bunker down" says litta Heidi. So we cwawl on de lounge chair togevver and cuddle up close while we wait for dat naughty Cyclone to go away.
Dis morning it gone but evewyfing is all wet.
Now Heidi hide de telebision wemote so Gwand-ma can't make something else teleport fwoo de telebision.
Wuv fwom Bernie


  1. Katy says:

    She's silly.

    Hugh says:

    I love you Bernie!

  2. Oh Heidi beed widdle! Tevevison not bwing tings in house!

    piktuure is pweetie! kitties pwweeetie!
