Hewwo Evewybody
Bernie has to face de fact dat him is a fat pussy cat.
For a long time Bernie always say it are because he has lots of fick fur and dat make him look fat.
Den Litta Heidi say "Don't worry Unca Bernie. You ith not really fat. You ith jutht big boned."
But today Bernie look in dat mirror and oh miaow miaow Bernie must face dat fact.
Bernie is a fat cat.
Now some people finks a fat cat is a dood fing. If you lib in Canbewwa where Bernie used to live, den a fat cat means you work for guvment and earn lots of munneys.
But Bernie is not dat sort of fat cat.Bernie is a plump pussy.
One day Gwandma tell Bernie get on scales and get weighed. Bernie stand wif one foot on de gwound and free foots on de scales. Gwandma say Bernie cheatin.
Bernie does not cheat anymore.
Bernie twy to find a dood diet.
Do anyone know a dood diet for pussy cats? Pussy cats does not like lettuce leaves and carrots so it be bewy hard to find a pussy cat diet.
Bernie twy to do more exercise. Today he wun up and down dat hall instead of walkin and instead of sleepin unner dat bush all day, Bernie move to anuvver bush sometimes. So Bernie get lots of exercise dat way.
Me hope dat helps.
Tomowwow Bernie tell you how he goin wif his diet.
Wuv fwom Bernie.
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