
Monday, 14 February 2011

More about puzzle for blog fans.

After a while, Bernie Mummy come home.
She say "Hello Bernie Baby. Are you waiting for your Mummy?"
Bernie say "Miaow"
Then Bernie Mummy go inside and she open de door for Bernie and say "Do you want to come inside?"
Bernie come inside but he only walk a little way down de hall and den he turn awound and go back to dat fwont door and say Miaow for his Mummy to open it again.
Bernie Mummy open dat door and Bernie go outside again.
After a little while someone vewy speshul come home. Dat be Litta Heidi. Den Bernie turn wound and miaow vewy loud at dat door so someone come and open it and we bofe go inside.
Bernie was still waitin for Gwandda but he has to help litta Heidi go in when she come home cos Bernie take care of Litta Heidi.
Love fwom Bernie.

1 comment:

  1. Hidey beed big giwl now! She beed wewy smawt! Like bewie!

    (Kitty say it mean i wub you in kitty tawk.)
