
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Me fink me stay here

Today me been finking vewy hard.
Gwand-da tell me it a long long long long way to Katy place.
It over de big water.
Bernie do not like water - except for a litta dwink.
My Mummy tell me she do luv me vewy much and she give me a big big cuddle.
So maybe Bernie stay here after all.
Gwand-ma give Bernie some speshul wool wot she say need to get aired so Bernie can air dat. Bernie vewy dood at airwing wools.
Today Bernie got a surpwise. Bernie was waiting out de fwont and our car come along but it gone wight past.
Bernie was just wunning out to gweet dem and bwing dem inside but dat car do not stop.
Bernie wun in and tell my Mummy dat Gwand-ma and Gwand-da dwive past and dem do not stop.
My Mummy tell me dat dey gone down to help Aunty Mavis mowing her gwass.
Dat OK. Aunty Mavis is my fwend.
Luv fwom Bernie.


  1. I'm so glad that you are staying here. I would miss you sooooo much!
    Now come and give Mummy a big cuddle.

  2. Katy says:

    I like your idea of not moving in, because I think there would be rather sad people back at your home in Temora if you came to come and live in Tasmania.

    Hughie adds:

    And also, cats aren't allowed on planes and boats.
